In May 2024, approximately 58 youth participated in an advocacy meeting to introduce them to TAAT’s technologies and agribusiness concepts. The event commenced with welcoming remarks from Mr. Mohamedi Hinja, the CCM Parents Secretary from Mabwepande ward. He emphasized the importance of seizing this opportunity seriously, encouraging the youth to engage in agribusiness to earn income. “Take this opportunity to become employers to other youth and improve your livelihoods,” Mr. Hinja stated.

The event was held at the Malolo Agriculture Resource Centre, a facility under the Kinondoni Municipal that provides resources for urban farming, particularly in vegetable production, poultry farming, and value addition.

Ms. Veronica Kebwe, the ENABLE TAAT Liaison Officer, discussed TAAT’s commodities and technologies, the significance of understanding agribusiness, the opportunities within the sector, and the advantages of operating in groups.

The advocacy meeting also served as a recruitment platform for training in three main areas: technical skills, entrepreneurship skills, and financial management skills. The training will focus on three commodities: poultry farming, cassava value addition, and vegetable farming. The National Microfinance Bank (NMB) Foundation will cover financial management sessions, while extension officers from Kinondoni Municipal and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) will provide training in technical and business skills.

Following the meeting, the youth formed groups and selected their preferred commodities and value chains for enterprise creation. The participants expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm for the meeting and the forthcoming training. “The meeting was very fruitful, and we are excited about the upcoming training. We are ready because we know that after the training, we will be able to establish enterprises for income generation,” one of the youth remarked.

Contributed by Veronica Kebwe

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