IKYA was delighted to welcome its guests from the World Food Programme (WFP) to the exhibition center at the President Olusegun Obasanjo Research Campus (IITA Kalambo Station).

Given WFP’s mission to deliver food assistance in emergencies, work with communities to improve nutrition, and build resilience, this visit provided an opportunity for the guests to witness IKYA’s value-added products firsthand. They interacted with the involved youths and program supervisors, discussing how to link ENABLE TAAT trained beneficiaries with WFP initiatives related to food assistance. This collaboration aims to build pathways to peace, stability, and prosperity for people recovering from conflict and disasters, ultimately enhancing the impact of interventions designed to mitigate the effects of climate change.

A significant part of the discussions focused on finding ways to connect our incubatees to the WFP food assistance program, fostering a greater impact and collaboration between IKYA and WFP.

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