In a collaborative effort between Kesa AgroVet Services and Monze District, fifteen enthusiastic youths underwent an intensive training program on village chicken production from June 1st to 5th, 2020. The primary goal of the training was to equip them with essential technical skills in chicken management and marketing, laying a solid foundation for their venture into this lucrative business.

Throughout the training, participants delved into the intricacies of chicken nutrition, understanding the vital sources and functions of nutrients in chicken feed. They gained valuable insights into the composition of poultry feed, including staple ingredients like whole maize, maize germ, cottonseed cake, soya beans, and sunflower, along with the significance of incorporating fishmeal such as omena.

Moreover, the training provided a comprehensive overview of poultry business operations, empowering the youths with the knowledge and confidence to effectively manage such enterprises. Eager to put their newfound skills into action, the trained youths wasted no time in initiating the construction of a robust poultry house with a capacity for 1000 pullets, setting the stage for the expansion of their business endeavors.

Their determination and hard work paid off when they received support from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) through ENABLE-TAAT. With assistance in the form of 1000 improved village chicken pullets, along with essential supplies like feed, drinkers, drugs, and feeders, the youths were well-equipped to kickstart their poultry venture.

Despite encountering challenges such as pullet mortality, particularly during the brooding stage, the business has persevered and is currently thriving. With a projected monthly income exceeding $2000 from the sale of live chickens at four months old and the collection of eggs, the future looks promising for these ambitious youths as they continue to navigate the dynamic landscape of poultry farming.

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