ENABLE TAAT project has commenced the training of selected youths in Oyo state. The training which focuses on imparting technical skills in aquaculture and poultry will hold at the Oyo state-IITA Youth Agribusiness Incubation Park Center, at Awe, Afijio local government area of Oyo State.

It will be recalled that the Youth in Agribusiness office, the unit in IITA responsible for the implementation of ENABLE-TAAT project, partnered with Oyo state government to revitalize the Rural Community Development Centre in Awe, now known as Oyo state-IITA Youth Agribusiness Incubation Park Center.

The purpose of the partnership was to transform the center into a functional agribusiness incubation center where young people can be trained on the various agricultural value chains, have experiential learning through pilot enterprises established at the center, and also convert the entre into an agricultural hub in the state.

ENABLE-TAAT is, however, piloting training activities at the center with the selection of 45 youths who will be trained for four weeks starting from the 7th of December till the 7th of January, 2020. They will be trained on the selected commodities and also exposed to soft skills for business management. The youths, after the training are expected to also develop bankable business plans which qualify them for linkages to credit facilities for their business start-ups either as individuals or in groups. The training participants were selected after going through a series of screening exercises by the ENABLE-TAAT team.

The Honorable representing Afijio Local Government at the Oyo State House of Assembly, Hon. Seyi Adisa, who was represented by Olayemi Jimoh at the opening ceremony of the training, expressed confidence in ENABLE TAAT for adequate transfer of knowledge and agricultural technologies to the willing youth. Besides, the training also complements the ongoing technical and vocational training for youth (TVET) in the Afijio constituency.

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